Our site is http://nhpipelineawareness.org/.
These Terms of Use are owned and governed by our organization. Should you not agree to the said terms, you may opt to stop using the site and its services. We have the right to modify, change, add, or remove clauses included in the Terms of Use at any time without the consent of all the users. To keep yourself updated with all of these modifications, make sure to visit the page periodically.
All of the content displayed and provided by the website is considered a property of the organization, its affiliated licensors, and companies and is protected by all international laws such as copyright, trademark, and patent.
The organization may offer promotions, email marketing messages, advertisements, and popups from time to time unless our organization has a tailor-fitted subscription-based service. Please refer to the Privacy Policy for the technicalities of advertising.
Content Use
You may reproduce, display, use, download, and print the website content for personal and non-commercial use. If you are a member of the academe, as a teacher, student, or scholar, you are allowed to copy reasonable portions of the content for lesson plans, interactive whiteboards, presentations, school newspapers, dissertation, reports, and other educational purposes permitted by the law.
In these cases, however, you may not alter or omit a trademark, copyright, service marks, and legends provided by the company. You are also not allowed to publish, distribute, sell, transmit, or provide the website content except for some clauses allowable by the Terms of Use. You may also not use robots, data mining, screen capping, or other types of extraction tools which may harm or break the privacy rights of the company. Lastly, reverse engineering and decompiling are also not allowed to avoid altering the user’s website experience. If you want to use or reproduce some content in the website, you may contact us through our Contact Us page details.
User-Generated Content
User-Generated Content, which we refer to as UGC, applies to videos, comments, texts, audios, and other materials which are submitted by the users of the website. Remember that the company is not liable for any consequences caused by UGC. When posting, remember not to do the following things:
Send or post UGC which have patent rights or which will reveal trade secrets, unless you own these content or are given permission by the direct owner;
Send or post UGC which will infringe on any privacy or intellectual property rights of other individuals or companies;
Send or post UGC which are threatening, defamatory, harassing, embarrassing, abusive, and hateful to other entities; and
Send or post sexually explicit images, videos, and texts
By sending your UGC, you waive your right to the content, and you are allowing the organization to use all of your postings. You grant us a royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and perpetual license to modify, publish, reproduce, use, distribute, and display them under both the name of the company and yours. However, rest assured that we will not give third-party companies the right to access, use, and distribute the said UGC.
Lastly, please be aware that once you post UGC, there is the danger that the general public will be able to view your work and read your work several years after posting. With this in mind, we suggest that you do not divulge any personal information such as your location, financial data, and medical record numbers.
Copyright Infringement Claims
If you feel that there is a violation of intellectual property rights in one of the posts on the website, please use the following process below. Your notice must include the following information:
1. Either your physical or electronic signature
2. Copy or identification of the violated work. You may also opt to include all of the posts should there be multiple violations.
3. Explanation of how there had been an infringement.
4. Information where the company can contact you such as an address, telephone number, and email address.
5. A statement which says that all of the things you have complained about are accurate.
Rest assured that we will act promptly on the complaint from the moment we learn of such act.